New Features Released in the TrafficManager platform!

Dear partners,

We are proud to announce the release of some new and very awaited features in the TrafficManager Tracking platform, some of them are available for all our clients and some only for the clients that use the SmartLink feature (Agency Package and above).

More Advanced Log Statistics (All Plans)

Under the menu “Logs”, from now on, you have more filters when you want to dig between your conversions. You can filter by date, affiliate, offer, or search based on a clickid. You also have the possibility to see all the clicks that you received in your offers by accessing the Marketplace Clicks or Smartlink Clicks pages.

Custom Offer Payout per Affiliate (Marketplace): Please Read More Here

Publisher Black List (Smartlink)

Now you can create a blacklist of the publishers that you don’t want to receive traffic from, in your CPM/CPC campaigns. You can find this option under the “Smart Tools – Advertiser” Menu –> Campaigns –> Publishers blacklist

Offers with Apply Needed

If you select this option when you create a new offer in your Marketplace, your publishers will need to apply for the offer and submit you some info about their traffic sources. To enable this feature just create a new offer or edit an existing one and search for the “Privacy level” settings, open the drop-down menu and select “Apply needed”.

News Interface

We also released a News section where you can add or manage the news for your affiliates. This feature is very handy to let your publishers know when you have some new offers they might be interested or just to send them your greetings for the holidays ๐Ÿ˜Š

Exclude countries from Worldwide offers and campaigns

Imagine you need to publish an offer or campaign that is available worldwide but restricted in only a few countries. Before you needed to manually add all the GEOs you wanted to show this offer on, now just select Worldwide as targeting and exclude the GEOs where this offer is restricted.

Campaign Scheduling (Smartlink) Please Read More Here

Custom Revenue-share per Affiliate and Geos (Smartlink)

You can set a custom revenue-share for each individual affiliate or Geo. Very useful feature in case of super affiliates or companies that send you a lot of good quality traffic and you want to reward them with a higher percentage, or bad affiliates with a high risk of fraudulent traffic that you want to keep on a lower revenue-share. You can find this option inside the Settings tab -> Revenue share.

To be released (Soon)

Auto-optimize Landing pages in the Marketplace offers (all plans)

This feature, requested by a few clients lately, will automatize your work when you have multiple landing pages in the same offer. Based on the landing pages performance, the best converting landing will get most of the traffic, and in case you add new landings into the mix, our algorithm will A/B test all of them automatically.

Affiliate Manager Dashboard

With this feature, you can create Affiliate Manager accounts, assign a specific affiliate manager to some specific affiliates, and monitor all the affiliates managers activity in your platform. Very useful to see who is doing what on the platform from your team, login time, support tickets activity, etc.

Advertiser Interface with Real-Time Bidding System (RTB)

Available for the clients that use the Smartlink Feature, this HUGE release will give you the possibility to sell your traffic on CPC/CPM basis using a real-time bidding system (RTB).

Your Advertisers will have the possibility to create an advertiser account, add credit to their account using PayPal, Wire Transfer, Cryptocurrencies, etc., create RON campaigns targeted by country, device, connection type, carrier, promotion tools, and more, upload creatives, manage their budgets, bids, time, optimize their traffic sources, etc. You, as Admin, will approve or reject the campaigns and the banners, choose the minimum bid per country/device/carrier, and much more.

Since this is the first newsletter we are sending you, on behalf of the TrafficManager team I would like to thank you for trusting us with your business and follow us in this fabulous journey in building the most incredible affiliate tracking platform the world will ever see ๐Ÿ™‚ This is not a joke, we have huge plans for this project, plans that already started to take shape, plans that don’t include this platform development only based on our experience but also based on your reviews and necessities. This is the product we want to own, a product that will automatize most of your work and help you grow your business to the next level. Don’t forget, YOUR BUSINESS IS OUR BUSINESS, so we need to take good care of it.

All the best!

The TrafficManager Team!


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